Root Canal

Save Your Natural Teeth with Root Canal

Accidents, cracks in teeth and tooth decay can lead to infections deep within your teeth. In these cases, your dentist will always strive to save the natural tooth through root canal treatment.

The root canals between the hard layers of each tooth are filled with dental pulp. The pulp is made up of the nerves and blood vessels that nourish the teeth and help them grow. Deep cavities and cracks in the teeth can allow bacteria to enter the pulp, leading to irritation and infection. Eventually, the pulp may die, threatening the health of the surrounding tooth.

Infections in the pulp will often, but not always, cause pain or swelling. At each check-up your dentist looks for changes to the gum or color of the teeth that may indicate a problem. If root canal treatment is necessary, your dentist may perform it or may refer you to an endodontist, a dentist who specializes in treating the inside of the tooth. It is important that you receive treatment as soon as possible to prevent further infection and possible tooth loss.

Root canal treatments remove the dead or infected pulp through a small opening in the crown of the tooth. The root canals are then sealed with a rubber-like material to prevent bacteria from reaching the bone. The opening in the tooth is sealed with a filling or crown. A local anaesthetic is often used, but may not be required.

By restoring your natural tooth with root canal treatment, you can avoid having to undergo a costly tooth replacement in the future. Speak to one of our team members to learn more.

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